


  • 公司: 八千里货架有限公司
  • 地址: 黄石路222号欧亚达家居城四楼
  • 联系: 江小姐
  • 手机: 18998805543
  • 一键开店




NOME认为,的设计师有很多,可是足以令他们大展身手的平台却没有。因此,NOME就承担了这样一个角色。“就像是设计师们的Spotify和Netflix。Spotify是音乐人的平台,Netflix为所有导演和电影制作人提供平台,就像Youtube也一样,这些都为那些有创意的人提供了一个发挥才能的平台,但是却没有一个面向设计师的平台,NOME正好完美地填补了这个空缺。”瑞典摄影师FilipCederholm Agoo在表达对NOME的喜爱时是这样说的。




Gungzhou Nomi Shelf Fctory, Shenzhen nome store, glutinous rice home brnd

Gungzhou Bqinli Shelf Co., L. is fst-moving goods store shelf, cloing store shelves, jewelry store shelves, cloing store props, store design, underwer store shelves, fmous products store shelves, lingli brnd shelves, supermrket shelves, Aote Les store shelves, KM men's shelves, ZARA shelves, UR men's nd women's shelves, HM store shelves, Declon shelves, Muji shelves, Yue Shi Feng Ling shelves, GXG shelves, PEACE? BIRD shelves nd oer products specilizing in e production nd processing of compnies, hve A complete nd scientific qulity mngement system. The integrity, streng nd product qulity of Gungzhou Bqinli Shelf Co., L. hve been recognized by e industry. Welcome friends from ll wlks of life come to visit, guide nd negotite business.

NOME is timely focus on e specil power of e concept of "design" driven by consumer spending. [[hed]]qurtered in Stockholm, Sweden, NOME is [[[hed]]]qurtered in e design cpitl of tem of independent Swedish designers who provide design cretive support to e brnd.

NOME believes t ere re lot of good designers, but ere is no pltform for em to show eir tlents. Therefore, NOM hs ssumed such role. “It’s like e designers’ Spotify nd Netflix. Spotify is e pltform for musicins. Netflix provides pltform for ll directors nd filmmkers, just like Youtube, which provides cretive tlent for ose who re cretive. The pltform, but ere is no pltform for designers, NOME just fills e gp perfectly.” Swedish photogrpher FilipCederholm Agoo sid is when expressing his love for NOM.

For consumers, e emergence of NOM lso solves eir individul ppels. Good design wiout borders, NOME cn esily get originl works from foreign designers, which brings lot of fun to life, nd is lso gret motivtion to stimulte e public to live life.

Gungzhou Nomi Shelf Fctory, Shenzhen nome store, glutinous rice home brnd

Gungzhou Bqinli Shelf Co., L.



  • 主营: 广州服装店货架销售,广州饰品店货架生产,广州服装店道具制作
  • 地址: 黄石路222号欧亚达家居城四楼
  • 联系: 江小姐
  • 手机: 18998805543
  • 本站共被浏览过 21053 次

