


  • 公司: 广东盟信塑胶实业有限公司
  • 地址: 广东 汕头
  • 联系: 高雷霞
  • 手机: 13509876772
  • 一键开店

公司介绍:广东盟信塑胶有限公司始创于2003年,凭着“以塑代钢”的坚定理念,致力于工程塑料和绝缘材料的研发生产和销售。 About UsGuangdong MengXin Plastic Industrial Co.,Ltd. was established in 2003. With the strong faith of plastic instead of steel, we are specialized in developing, manufacturing and sales of the engineering plastic and insulation material.       发展至今,自主拥有现代化先进塑性棒材和板材的生产设备线200多条。各种产品规格齐全,库存量大。主要产品有:尼龙优棒,尼龙韧棒,尼龙纯棒,尼龙蓝棒,尼龙黑棒,PP棒,PE纯棒,POM白棒,POM黑棒,抗静电POM米黄色/黑色板,硅胶板,硅胶管,硅胶条,FR4环氧板以及覆铜板等,以及塑料机械零件加工等..... So far there are over 200 advanced production lines for plastic sheets and rods in our factory, with complete specifications and plenty of stock. Our main products are modified nylon rod, pure nylon rod, blue nylon rod, black nylon rod, PP rod, pure PE rod, white POM rod, black POM rod, yellow or black anti-static POM sheet, silicone sheet, silicone tube, silicone rod, FR4 epoxy sheet and copper clad laminates(CCL) and processing for plastic spare parts .    公司是中国国家高新技术企业,现拥有国家专利多项,攻克了热塑性塑料板材,棒材挤出成型技术难题。公司将持续增大研发投入,加强技术创新,以满足市场多元化的需求!!Our company has won the title of China High-Tech Enterprise and dozens of China Patent Certificates of technology solving the problems of extruded thermo-plastic. We will keep investing to R&D and improve technology innovation to meet the diverse demands of the market.产品销售网络遍布全球,我们将以优质的产品完善的服务,与客户实现共创双赢!!! Our items are sold all over the world and we will friendly cooperated with all customers for mutual benefit and prosperity.



  • 主营: 硅胶板,pom棒板
  • 地址: 广东 汕头
  • 联系: 高雷霞
  • 手机: 13509876772
  • 本站共被浏览过 1593 次

