BSS 7230 航空内饰材料阻燃性能测试--标准名称
BSS 7230 Determination of flammability properties of aircraft materials
BSS 7230 航空内饰材料阻燃性能测试
BSS 7230 航空内饰材料阻燃性能测试--适用范围
This standard describes the procedures for Bunsen burner flammability testing of aircraft materials to the requiremrnts of FAR Part 25, Appendix F, Part 1
BSS 7230 航空内饰材料阻燃性能测试—测试目的
These tests are used to demonstrate compliance to the requiremrnts established by FAA regulations for fire resistance of aircraft interior parts and materials, and for manufacturing control in materials and processes specifications.
ABD 0031 Airbus Test Method (AITM)
ABD 0031 空客标准(AITM)
AITM 2.0002 垂直燃烧测试;
AITM 2.0003 水平燃烧测试;
AITM 2.0004 45°燃烧测试;
AITM 2.0005 60°燃烧测试;
AITM 2.0006 热量释放测试;
AITM 2.0007 烟雾密度测试;
AITM 2.0008 线缆烟雾密度测试;
AITM 2.0009 座椅坐垫测试;
AITM 3.0005 烟雾毒性测试;
BSS 7238 阻燃防火测试-烟雾密度测定
BSS 7239 材料在燃烧过程中产生毒性气体的测试方法
HB 5469民用飞机机舱内部非金属材料燃烧试验