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2019-11-08 07:01:32  879次浏览 次浏览
价 格:10


Cultivation and management of lettuce


1. Scientific fertilization: lettuce requires a clay loam rich in organic matter, with strong water and soil fertility. Lettuce likes to be slightly acidic, and the soil pH value is 5-7. For every 1000 kg of lettuce consumed, it needs to absorb 2.5 kg of nitrogen, 1.2 kg of phosphorus and 4.5 kg of potassium, of which the lettuce needs more potassium. During the growth period, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are required to be used together. The plot for planting lettuce shall be deep ploughed and carefully cultivated. Before planting, sufficient base fertilizer shall be applied, and 3000-3500 kg of mature farmyard fertilizer shall be applied per mu. After application, the plot shall be turned over deeply, and enough bottom water shall be poured, and after drying, the plot shall be made.


2. Careful planting: the seedbed shall be watered one day before the planting to make the seedling lump moist. The next day, the seedling shall be started with soil as much as possible to reduce root damage. When planting, the furrow should be cut on the border first, the depth of the furrow is 4-6cm, and the border of 70cm should be planted in three rows. After the furrow is opened, the ternary compound fertilizer should be applied according to 25kg per mu, and then the irrigation should be done. After the water seeps, the seedlings should be placed according to the plant spacing of 24cm to seal the furrow. The border should be raked flat, covered with plastic film, and the seedlings should be introduced out of the film.


3. Post planting management: lettuce likes to be wet, and it requires sufficient water supply during the whole growth period. After 5-7 days of planting, the seedlings were watered once. After the slow seeding water was poured, the plot without mulch was stopped for 2 times. After 3-4 times of watering, separate watering and apply nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer by stages, 15-20 kg per mu. Stop watering before harvest to facilitate storage and transportation.


4. Disease and insect control: the main diseases of lettuce include downy mildew, soft rot, virus disease and sclerotinia disease, among which sclerotinia disease and soft rot are more harmful. Rotation can be adopted, planting density can be properly reduced, watering should not be too much, shallow hoeing and rowing should be carried out frequently, the surface of soil should be dry, the diseased plants should be pulled out in time, dead leaves should be removed and burned intensively. After the disease, agricultural streptomycin and fungicide can be sprayed Spraying chlorothalonil once every 5-7 days in high temperature and high humidity can prevent the disease. Insect pests mainly include aphids, thrips, Tigris, etc., which are controlled by omethoate, fast killing Ding, etc.



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